Friday 13 July 2012

VOICES: Renato Alves (São José do Rio Preto)

Hello, Nassim!

My name is Renato, I'm from Brazil and I'm 22 years old.

I just watched White Rabbit, Red Rabbit and I'm really, really excited about it - the interaction, the excellent writing, the personal many things I considered amazing.

And I got so moved by its essence: thinking that no  matter where we live, we are joined by thoughts, ideas and common feelings, and that words can connect us more than just true: it's magnificent. The kind of thing that changes us.

I was one of the rabbits on the cage scene, but I don't have any picture here with me. I hope that the guy in the audience sends it to you soon.

Congratulations for the play. I can't stop revisiting it in my head. Hope you're fine while reading this!

São José do Rio Preto, Brazil (July, 13, 2012)

ps. Kelzy Ecard is the actress who read White Rabbit, Red Rabbit for us tonight. Sweet and funny lady.
ps2. White Rabbit, Red Rabbit in Portugeuse is "Coelho Vermelho, Coelho Branco" :)

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